Zettahash Community Guidelines

版本: 1.01提案: ZHCP

Last updated: 9 April 2024

Code of Conduct

作为社区成员、贡献者和 Zettahash 生态系统的领导者,我们承诺为每个人创造一个温馨、包容、无骚扰的体验。我们的承诺延伸到营造一个开放、多元、创新、高效的环境,有利于我们自己、彼此和我们共同的环境的福祉。

Our Standards

To maintain a constructive and thriving community environment, we ask every member to:

  • 要有责任心、成熟、有礼貌。
  • 互相提升、互相学习。
  • 对不同的意见、观点、性格和经历持开放态度。
  • 关注社区的集体福祉,与 Zettahash 的价值观保持一致。

Conversely, the following conduct is discouraged and constitutes a violation:

  • 出售或出租选票。
  • 进行恶意攻击、侮辱、贬损评论、人身攻击或政治攻击。
  • 公开或私下骚扰他人,包括跟踪或非自愿的互动。
  • 未经明确同意泄露某人的私人信息。
  • 宣扬基于种族、民族、宗教、残疾、年龄、性取向等的仇恨言论或暴力。
  • 从事非法活动或者鼓励非法行为。
  • 发送垃圾邮件或未经请求的商业信息。
  • 煽动暴力、美化极端主义或鼓励自残。
  • 违反反腐败法。
  • 推广其他金融工具、机构或服务。

Violations and Consequences


  1. Warning: For violations, a warning will be issued with consequences for continued inappropriate behavior.
  1. Time Out: For severe violations, the individual will be put in “time out” from interacting with the community. Any further violations may lead to a permanent ban.
  1. Restricted: For extreme violations, such as harassment or vote-selling, the individual may be continually restricted, and the community may be notified of a particular member.

Other Considerations

  1. Appeal Process: Individuals subject to disciplinary action can appeal the decision by contacting the moderation team with a detailed explanation of their case.
  1. Confidentiality: All reports of violations will be handled with discretion and confidentiality to protect the privacy of all involved parties.
  1. Support: The community is committed to supporting individuals affected by violations and will assist as needed.

Reporting and Enforcement


To report a violation, members can:

  1. 在发生违规行为的平台上标记管理员或
  2. Email the Elected Member of Community at community@zettahash.org