
‍版本: 1.01提案: ZHFP

Last updated: 9 April 2024

财政管理:Zettahash(ZH)DAO 财政通过区块链上的智能合约自主管理,确保任何个人(包括当选成员)都无法直接访问资金。

社区提案:成员可以提出如何使用财政资金的建议,这些资金不属于 ZH DAO,但用于组织和管理分配过程。

资金分配:ZH DAO 可以分配资金来支持符合其目标的项目、计划和活动。资金分配通过民主投票程序决定。

Treasury Safeguards


1. Elected Member - Executive Branch: This branch is the linchpin of decision-making and execution within our treasury management framework. Elected Members (EMs) are tasked with the strategic allocation of resources, investment decisions, and the operational management of the treasury. They operate under strict governance protocols to ensure that every decision aligns with the organization's objectives and ethical standards.

2. Attorney/Judicial Branch: Serving as the guardian of legal compliance and ethical integrity, the Judicial Branch oversees the treasury's adherence to applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. This branch conducts regular audits, provides legal advice to prevent potential legal issues, and ensures all treasury activities are performed by legal compliance and ethical conduct.

3. Third-Party - Community Branch: Representing the heartbeat of our organization, the Community Branch comprises third-party entities or community representatives. Their role is to ensure that the treasury's management reflects the community's interests, values, and aspirations. This branch is a counterbalance to the Executive Branch, providing an additional layer of security and ensuring that the community's voice is integral to treasury decisions.

Our governance model mandates a 3:1 ratio to maintain robust security and balance, meaning there is one third-party representative for every three elected members. This ensures a balanced and diverse perspective in managing our multi-signature wallets, which are pivotal to the security of our treasury.

Treasury Fund Allocation

我们通过独立资产池精心管理 Zettahash 的收入和支出,从而确保了我们金库的财务健康和战略增长。该资产池包含代币等资产,并由专门从事金融和采矿的当选成员精心监管。

Critical Expenditures Requiring Token Holder Approval:


  • Strategic Distributions: Investments intended to develop the Ecosystem or enhance the DAO's underlying protocol.
  • Grants for Ecosystem Development: Financial support provided to participants actively contributing to the growth and development of the ecosystem.
  • Organizational Events: Funding for off-chain events aimed at fostering community engagement, ecosystem growth, and networking opportunities.
  • Significant Purchases: Acquisition of off- or on-chain goods or services valued at or exceeding a predetermined threshold (to be defined), whether in fiat currency or cryptocurrency equivalent.

Treasury Wallets and Department Wallets


  • Treasury Wallets: Serve as the primary repositories for the organization's collective assets. Managed by the Executive Branch, these wallets require multi-signature transaction authorization, ensuring high security and oversight.
  • Department Wallets: Allocated to specific departments within the organization, these wallets are designed to streamline the operational efficiency of various projects and initiatives. Each department wallet is subject to oversight by the respective Elected Members and audited regularly to ensure compliance with the organization's financial policies.


Zettahash DAO 在管理财政时注重透明度。我们确保所有金融交易(包括收入、支出和资产持有)都记录在案,并可供所有社区成员查看。这种透明度让捐助者能够随时了解情况,并为我们的治理和监督做出贡献。我们的治理框架保护我们的财政免受威胁并支持可持续增长。我们通过让成员参与并遵守我们的章程,在所有财政决策中平衡安全性、透明度和社区参与度。

Financial Audits Protocol

财务审计协议旨在确保 Zettahash DAO 资金管理的透明度和可追溯性。定期财务审计独立评估 DAO 的经济活动,确保遵守既定的政策和程序。

Frequency of Audits:

  1. 年度审计:每年进行财务审计,以审查 DAO 财政年度的财务报表和交易。
  1. 特别审计:针对特定事件或问题,可能会启动额外审计,例如重大金融交易、DAO 财务管理实践的变化或财务不当行为指控。

Scope of Audits:

  1. 财务报表:审计检查 DAO 财务报表的准确性和完整性,包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表。
  1. 合规性:审计评估对 DAO 制定的财务政策、法规和内部控制的遵守情况。
  1. 风险评估:审计评估 DAO 与金融活动相关的风险管理实践的有效性。
  1. 交易审查:审计包括对重大财务交易的详细审查,包括收入、支出和资产管理。

Audit Process:

  1. 审计师的选择:通过透明的流程选择具有区块链和 DAO 运营专业知识的独立外部审计师或审计公司。
  1. 准备:DAO 的财务团队向审计师提供必要的财务记录和文件以供审查。
  1. 进行审计:审计师检查财务记录,执行分析程序,并与相关人员进行访谈。
  1. 审计报告:审计员准备一份详细说明调查结果的报告,包括任何差异、合规性问题或改进建议。
  1. 审查和行动:DAO 的管理机构审查审计报告,解决任何发现的问题并实施建议的变更以加强财务管理。

Transparency and Reporting:

财务审计结果(包括审计报告和任何采取的应对行动)都会与 Zettahash DAO 社区共享,以保持透明度和问责制。

Review and Update:

财务审计协议旨在确保 Zettahash DAO 资金管理的透明度和可追溯性。定期财务审计独立评估 DAO 的经济活动,确保遵守既定的政策和程序。