Governance Proposal And Voting Process


Last updated: 9 April 2024

The Zettahash Proposal Process (ZHP) forms a comprehensive framework that embodies the fundamental principles of Zettahash's DAO governance system. This dual process structure is crucial for the systematic evaluation, approval, rejection, and voting on proposals or proposed changes. It ensures that all decisions are aligned with the overarching goals and core values of the ZH’s ecosystem, thereby maintaining its integrity and guiding its future direction.

In this two-stage ‘propose and vote’ decision-making process: (1) members openly discuss, develop, and formally submit proposals for new initiatives or changes to the DAO, and (2) members vote on proposals 'on-chain’ whereby voting power is based on holdings of governance tokens.

Proposal Process

Proposal discussions take place in Consensus on the Zettahash Discord server. This forum serves as the town square for discussing and debating ideas, while Snapshot's on-chain voting platform acts as the ballot box where contributors cast their final, official vote.

Proposal Principles

  • Zettahash Protocol for the Common Good: Changes to the ZH Protocol should preserve its status as a resource for the common good, ensuring a balance among the interests of diverse stakeholders within the Zettahash Ecosystem.
  • Token Utility Aligned with Ecosystem Interests: Changes to token mechanisms should enhance the value of the Zettahash Ecosystem, considering the impact on users, developers, and holders.
  • Limited Treasury Use: Zettahash treasury assets must be directly tied to achieving the objectives outlined in the constitution.

Proposal Criteria

  • Any Zettahash Token Holder can suggest a Consensus proposal.
  • All proposals must adhere to the specific format and process for the type of proposal.
  • All proposals must be shared during the public deliberation phase in the Zettahash Discord server forums.
  • Typical Voting Period: Seven days.
  • Scheduling: Once a proposal is approved, the Elected Member overseeing the relevant ZH department will outline a timeline for initiating and executing the proposal.

How to Create A Proposal

  1. Develop Your Idea: Assess whether your idea aligns with the goals and values of Zettahash DAO.
  1. Share Your Proposal Idea for Feedback: Initiate discussion on the proposal's topic by posting it in the relevant Zettahash Discord server In the 'Consensus’ choose one of these departments such as beneficiaries, business, community, development, energy, governance, marketing, mining, strategy, treasury.
  1. Engage With Other Community Members: Gather insights, feedback, and refine your proposal.
  1. Create Your Official Proposal: Follow the structure provided below. The additional explanations are intended to assist you:


Purpose: Provide a concise overview of the proposal, including its main goals and objectives.

Content: This should be brief, ideally a few sentences, summarizing the proposal's key points.


Purpose: Offers a more detailed summary, including the background and context of the proposal.

Content: Includes a brief description of the problem or opportunity being addressed, the proposed solution, and the expected outcomes.


Purpose: Explains why the proposal is necessary and important for the DAO.

Content: Details the reasons behind the proposal, including any problems or opportunities it aims to address, and why it is relevant to the DAO's goals and values.


Purpose: Provides a detailed description of the proposal, including how it will be implemented.

Content: Outlines the specific actions, steps, or changes that will be taken if the proposal is approved. This section should be clear and detailed enough for members to understand what they are voting on.


Purpose: Highlights the positive outcomes and advantages of the proposal.

Content: Lists the potential benefits for the DAO and its members, such as increased efficiency, improved governance, or enhanced community engagement.


Purpose: Addresses any potential downsides or negative consequences of the proposal.

Content: Identifies possible risks, challenges, or disadvantages associated with the proposal, allowing members to make an informed decision.


Purpose: Provides details on how the voting process will be conducted.

Content: Includes information on the voting mechanism (e.g., tokenbased voting, quadratic voting), the duration of the voting period, the required quorum or majority for approval, and any other relevant voting procedures.

  1. Post Your Official Proposal: Share it again in one of these department forums such as beneficiaries, business, community, development, energy, governance, marketing, mining, strategy, treasury on Discord or Telegram platform for community feedback. Pin the Proposal to the top of the channel to ensure visibility. This makes it easy for members to find and vote on active proposals.
  1. Engage with the Community: Respond to comments and address concerns. Consider adding a poll to your post to gauge overall sentiment towards your proposal.
  1. Revise Your Proposal (if needed): Review the feedback received from the community and identify areas for improvement. Make necessary revisions to your proposal, ensuring that it addresses the concerns raised. If significant changes are made, post a second draft of your proposal for further feedback.
  1. Submit Your Final Proposal: Submit your finalized proposal for an official vote, including the wallet address for fund transfer if the proposal involves financial transactions.
  1. Monitor the Voting Process: Engage with the community to address any lastminute questions or concerns.

Consensus community approval (upvotes)

#Elected Members (#EMs) will depend significantly on community involvement, which includes social upvoting of proposed ideas and tagging discussions in the Consensus Discord server forums. This guarantees that your voice is not only heard but also backed by the community, thus attracting the attention of the #Elected Members.

A Zettahash #Elected Member (#EM) will submit community-suggested proposals on Snapshot using their elected privileged access and assigned ETH addresses to prevent spam and manipulation.

To view submitted proposals on Snapshot follow the instructions below at: How to Cast a Vote.

Token Voting Guidelines

Each Zettahash $ZH Token holder can vote on submitted proposals.

  1. Eligibility: All Zettahash $ZH token holders are eligible to vote, with each token equating to one vote.
  1. Voting Power: The more tokens a holder possesses, the greater the weight of their vote. For example, a holder with ten tokens would have ten times the voting power of someone with a single token.
  1. Voting Period: Each voting session has a specific time frame for members to vote.
  1. Quorum: A minimum percentage of the total token supply must participate in the vote to be valid.
  1. Transparency: All votes are recorded and publicly available for transparency and accountability.
  1. Snapshot Voting: Votes are cast based on a snapshot of token holdings at a specific time to prevent manipulation.
  1. Zettahash Elected Members and Hashers are prohibited from personally participating in voting as token holders due to conflicts of interest.

Voting System

If you're new to Snapshot, you can familiarize yourself with its key features and how it works. Snapshot is a gasless, off-chain, and entirely open-source voting platform; it has become one of the de facto voting methods for DAOs. It allows for highly customized voting processes to cater to the diverse needs of users and organizations.

For a detailed guide and visual instructions, refer to the official Snapshot vote documentation

The Snapshot voting mechanism allows token holders to cast their votes. It ensures that all token holders have a voice in decision-making and that a vote's outcome reflects the community's collective opinion.

How to Cast a Vote

  1. Visit the Vote section of the #Hashboard here:
    Visit Snapshot directly here:
  1. Select the active proposal from the list you would like to vote on.
  1. After clicking the link, you will be redirected to a page displaying the details of that Zettahash proposal.
  • Strategies: The default strategy is (to calculate the balance of $ZH for each voter or a delegation strategy, e.g.)
  • Author: The individual or entity that authored the proposal.
  • IPFS: The IPFS link for the proposal. This is how the vote information is stored.
  • Voting System: The specific voting mechanism used, such as singlechoice, weighted, or quadratic.
  • Start Date: The date/time on which voting goes live.
  • End Date: The date/time that voting ends.
  • Snapshot: Voting power is calculated at the "snapshot" of the proposal, which occurs on the specific block number listed here.
  1. In the top right corner of the page, connect your wallet with your ZH tokens (e.g., MetaMask / WalletConnect) and follow the prompts.
  1. Next, in the ‘Cast Your Vote’ section of the page, select how you would like to vote. Click ‘Vote’.
  1. You’ll be prompted to confirm your vote. On this confirmation screen, review the information: the option you selected, the snapshot block, and your voting power. After reviewing, click ‘Confirm’.
  1. Authorize the transaction using your wallet. Since this is a signature transaction, no gas fees are required. After you vote, your ETH address will appear in the voters' list toward the bottom of the page.

If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to engage with the community through Consensus on the Zettahash Discord server.. Note: The voting process has the potential to be continually improved and refined by the community as time progresses.